Monday, March 16, 2009


Okay, so I'm going through a phase where I spend most of the morning in my pajamas. I'll get up a little after 6:30 and get Dave's lunch packed. I don't want to take a shower right away after he leaves, because I really should go on the treadmill.
But I haven't been going on the treadmill.

So, I've just gotten into the habit of staying in my pj's until breakfast is done, the together school stuff is done, and I've had some time to read to Gracie. Then, the kids can work independently while I'm getting ready.

So, somedays it''s kind of late in the morning before I'm presentable. Maybe even close to noon. Which usually isn't a problem, because we don't have a whole lot of visitors out here.

Except for the mailman. Who's nice enough to honk the horn when he pulls in to drop off a package. Today, I was sitting by the computer going over some math with Madeline when he honked. The window over the computer overlooks the porch that the mailman walks up. I sent Henry to answer the door, and I sank down to the floor behind Madeline's chair so the mailman wouldn't see me. I'm so smooth.

Madeline thought it was pretty funny.

What can I say - my hair was quite comical.

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