Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brett, Brett, Brett

You have to understand that I love the Packers. I have no memory of the good years in the 60's, and there were many, many lean years during my impressionable youth. But I watched them. If there was one place where I fit in with the rest of my family, it was as a Packer fan. There were even a few years where my career goal was to be a statistician for the Packers, so I could be on the sidelines. Yes, I'm a dork.

When the Packers got Reggie White and Brett Favre and actually started winning some games, it was huge. And fun. Watching Brett Favre was like watching a little kid who was really, really good (but when he was bad, he was horrid). And he was ours!

And then there was the debacle with his unretirement last year. I struggled, but I decided that the reason he was being such a jerk was because he wanted the fans to support Aaron Rodgers. (That's my story and I'm sticking with it) It would be so much easier for the fans to forget about Brett if he was being a nincompoop. (Sorry, schmuck or stinker were my next best thesaurus choices) And it worked. Fans and TV announcers were bending over backwards to champion Rodgers.

But, alas, my erstwhile sports hero must have decided that there were a few remaining fans he needed to alienate. He wants to be a Viking. Yeah, that should turn any remaining Favre fans into Rodgers fans.

I just read a column that postulated that Favre is mainly looking forward to the Vikings/Packers game at Lambeau and the great reception he'll receive from his fans. Well, I guess that's a possibility, too.

Good luck with that one, Brett.

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