Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not Watching Community

A show I'm not interested in watching is a new one called Community. The ads for it don't interest me in the least.

First of all, it's set in a community college. My gut tells me, ridiculing the students is the thrust of the show.

Secondly, Chevy Chase, Mr. I-Want-Tina-Fey-To-Decimate-Sarah-Palin, is one of the stars of the show.

You know, maybe it's a great, well-written, funny show. I don't care. Maybe I'm paranoid, but after all of the mockery Sarah Palin endured for having a non-elite education, I can't help thinking that the show is an attempt to jab her.

Did I mention that I attended a community college for 2 years?

1 comment:

  1. I heard a small bit of Laura Ingraham talking about this show on the way into town the other day. Apparently there are two new shows of similar moral vein. Laura requested callers who could give their opinions on the either of them. I don't know if you ever have opportunity to listen to her, but one of her big issues is what she calls the "pornification of our culture." She wanted listeners' take on how these two shows reflect that aspect of our culture. I would have liked to hear more, but, alas, I got to town. Also, apparently, one of the shows also had a person of faith portrayed as the token doofus/comic relief.
