Thursday, June 11, 2009


On any given day, I can probably find something that irritates me about the main stream media. The smugness, the little jibes against conservatives, the lack of significant examination of our current president (especially compared to how the former president was treated), etc. The one or two of you who read this thing know what I'm talking about.

For the last couple of days, it's gone beyond being irritated. I'm fuming. It's been a long time since I could tolerate Letterman. He's been so over the top with his Bush and Palin bashing and Obama adoration that I found him unviewable.

In case you haven't seen the reference, he made a joke the other night about Sarah Palin being at the Yankees game with her daughter and that her daughter was impregnated (not the phrase he used) by one of the ball players (Alex Rodriguez). The daughter she was with is 14 years old. Basically, Letterman made a joke about a conservative woman's daughter being raped. HaHa.

It's impossible to imagine if Rush Limbaugh had made the same kind of remark about a liberal politician's daughter that it wouldn't be playing front and center in the media right now. And deservedly so. I haven't been watching much news, so I don't know how this is playing out. (Hold on, let me check some websites)

Okay, I probably shouldn't have done that. At least the Today Show had a video clip and seemed to do a fairly good side presenting both sides. (Frankly, in this situation, I think showing Letterman speak and try to defend himself actually helps my point of view). The ABC site headlined their story , "Palins Can't Take a Joke". Excuse me, exactly how many thousands of jokes have the Palins had to take until it got to this point? But boy, they're poor sports because they're making a big deal about this little perverted joke aimed at their daughter.

Letterman made a statement that he never intended to make a joke about their 14-year-old daughter. Never mind the fact that she was the one at the Yankees game. The joke was aimed at their 18-year-old daughter. Never mind the fact that she's home in Alaska.

Well, that's so much better. It's okay to make a joke about Bristol because she had a baby out of wedlock. Haha. (Never mind the fact that Letterman impregnated - feel free to use the term he used - his girlfriend when he was in his 50's).

That wasn't an apology, Mr. Letterman, that was weasly backtracking. You're not funny, Mr. Letterman. Someone pays you money to tell lazy, sloppy jokes. You're just lucky.

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