Thursday, June 11, 2009

More Letterman

So, Mr. Letterman, you say that you would never have made a joke like you did about a 14 year old girl. Here's the thing. Whether it was your intention or not, you did. You made a joke about Sarah Palin taking her daughter to the Yankees game, yada yada yada. The daughter she took to the game was 14. The joke was about a 14 year old girl, regardless of your intention.

You, sir, are a man who makes millions of dollars a year to tell jokes. I'm not saying that it's always easy, but, by most people's standards, it's a pretty cushy gig. But, as part of accepting those millions of dollars, you are responsible for every word you say on the airwaves. Not knowing which daughter was at the game is not an excuse. It was your responsibility to find out.

My husband is a public school teacher. Every school day he's up by 5 am, sometimes earlier. Once he steps into the school building, he has to be on. He can't slack off, because the students and his supervisors hold him accountable. He's on his feet all day, performing in front of his students, and by the end of the day, he's exhausted. He doesn't make nearly as much money as you do, Mr. Letterman, but he's still accountable for every word he says. If he made a remark anywhere nearly as offensive as you did, he would have to suffer the consequences.

Why do you think you shouldn't be held accountable for what you said? Why can't you have the integrity to admit you were wrong?

I think I know.

As I mentioned in my previous post, like many other liberals, in your mind you think that since conservatives aren't like "us" they therefore must be "less than us." It wasn't that you didn't know which Palin daughter was at the game, you just didn't care. It's just a Palin. Since you feel you are so superior to her (and my) kind, what you said can't possibly be wrong.

By your incessant nightly bashing of Bush, Cheney, Palin, et al, at the exclusion of any even mild jokes about Obama, haven't you in effect been saying to the conservatives, "Lie down and take it." Why should a joke about a baseball player doing the same thing to a Palin be such a big deal?

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