Monday, April 27, 2009


I really want to be a gardener. Or, I want to think of myself as a gardener. I'm usually enthusiastic in May and June, but by July and August I really don't have the energy or temperament to tend to my garden very much. It's over in the back yard, watering is a pain, who feels like weeding when it's so hot, etc.

Dave had an idea yesterday that I'm pretty excited about. We have a spruce tree in front of our kitchen window on the west side of the house. We really should cut it down because a power line runs through it's branches. We've held off on that, because the shade is nice in summer. For the last few weeks, however, we're finding ourselves more and more annoyed with that tree. It's so messy, it obstructs the view of our sunsets, etc. So, I really think we'll cut it down this year. We'll probably wait until fall, though, because there are a ton of bird nests in that tree.

We'd been talking about having a covered swing in that area, or a gazebo. Yesterday, Dave suggested a garden. For my self-diagnosed ADD, that would be perfect. It would make a huge difference in my mindset if I was able to just go right outside to to the gardening work. And the water would be right there, too. I hope we'll be able to get the stump removed, and the soil will be okay.

We've been reorganizing for fresh starts in most of our rooms in the house. I really like the idea of a fresh start in the garden, too.

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