Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sometimes I Could Just Bust

One of the reasons I homeschool is because of the relationships I want to foster between my kids. Some days it seems like we're taking many steps backward. They can't even breathe in the same room without someone throwing a fit.

Within the past 12 hours, I've been able to witness how my kids really do care about each other, and it's been very gratifying.

First instance - Last night while I was finishing supper dishes, Dave & Madeline were off doing their own projects and Henry was in the living room just hanging out and resting. He had a nasty stomach bug over the weekend, and has had a vicious sore throat since Tuesday night. (It's Thursday morning) All of the sudden I heard a crash upstairs and Gracie was crying. I went up the stairs with Henry right at my heels. She had fallen off a stool in the bathroom and bumped her head. I snuggled with her for a few minutes, while Henry entertained her with "Cuddle Monster" stories. I can't remember when he invented it, but he'll turn into Cuddle Monster and that'll be their special thing together. Pretty soon I was able to go downstairs and finish what I was doing, and he took care of Gracie.

Second instance - 11:55 pm. I was in the middle of a deep sleep when Madeline came into our room saying, "Grace threw up in her bed". I really hate those words. I got the dirty bedding off while Dave started giving Gracie a bath. I let him go back to bed while I finished up with Gracie, got her dressed and dried her hair. Madeline was with me the whole while, entertaining Gracie and offering to stay up with her on the couch. I couldn't let her take on the sole responsibility of a vomiting toddler, but I did welcome her help. So, the three of us hung out on the couch, watching a tape of Blue's Clues and Little Bear. When it seemed like Grace was done throwing up, I went back to bed (about 3 am) while Madeline stayed with her on the couch. At one point, Madeline had Grace cuddling up against her on one side while holding the puke bucket on her other side. It was very sweet. I took a picture. She really does love her little sister.

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