Monday, May 3, 2010

More Cool Goodwill Finds

Last night, I was able to pick up one volume of the The Illustrated Animal Library: Fascinating Animal Portraits from Around the World., containing Birds; Reptiles, Amphibians & Fish; and Insects & Invertebrates.  Very cool color portraits, well worth the $2.50.

I couldn't find a picture for this one, but Science Through the Microscope, by Aladdin Books, has some neat, up close shots of everything from a cell, to pollen, to a honeybee pupae, to a human embryo.  Also $2.50.

The Last 1000 Years has a nice timeline, pictures, maps and reference information for the last millennium.  $4.50.

And, finally, The Complete Soapmaker: Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Luxurious Handmade Soaps, is to have on hand in case I decide to start a new hobby.  I've checked it out of the library in the past, with excellent intentions, but somehow they never came into fruition.  Soon.  Maybe.  Soon.  $2.50.

1 comment:

  1. I found some recipes on line the other day for homemade laundry soap that is apparently economical and more health friendly than regular store brands. I found that interesting. But I found the idea of grating bar soap is more interesting to read about than to do.

    Keep us posted.
