Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brain Fog

I'm having trouble linking to an article I just read. It's from a post-partum feminist mom who loves her baby and recognizes that for awhile her brain is going to be foggy because of hormones, sleep deprivation, etc.. That's okay with her because there isn't anything else she'd rather be doing than spending time with her baby.

The article has received a lot of attention and animosity from some feminists because she claims her baby is like an addiction and asks why feminists can't embrace their love for their children. If you're interested, you can go to the main website and scroll around for the article.

You know, your brain is going to be foggy for awhile after having a baby. For some of us (me) longer than for others. Can you imagine being a few months post-partum with a special needs child, being thrust into a whirlwind of travel, having your son ship off to war and being the butt of jokes from national comedians?

No one cut Sarah Palin any slack (nor did she ask for any). Isn't a presidential campaign an extraordinary feat to begin with? To undergo it during the fog of recently having had a baby requires a superhuman effort.

Yes, she needed to be examined as a potential president, but did she need to be dissected? Couldn't she just have been scrutinized to the extent that, oh, say, Obama was?

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